This Student Video Competition is being initiated by Walter Spiess a retired Professor and renowned Food Scientist from the University of Hohenheim, Germany in the memory of his late wife Rose Spiess; with the aim of allowing Food Science Students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to promote Food Security and Food Safety in our country and to return to the community the benefits they have received on their way through High-School and University.
Food science and technology plays an important role of ensuring the health and wellbeing of people around the world and is essential to resolving food safety and sustainability challenges now and in the future. How that happens is unique to each country – even to the community level within each country.
The goal of this Student Video Competition in Nigeria is for student teams to use video to spotlight the positive impact of food science and technology in action where they live including, but not limited to, issues such as:
• sustainability and alleviating hunger
• assisting with improved health and wellbeing (improving nutrition)
• reducing food losses and food waste
• providing education and training
• ensuring food safety all along the production chain
• the impact of emerging technologies
• any other application which benefits your community, country or region
A one-page submission explains a short description of the problem, an explanation of the proposed solution and the benefits for the community.
VDO should especially focus on the practical realization of the underlying concept and highlight its novelty and benefits for the community. Furthermore, ideas of an extension of the presented should be indicated.
a) All content in the video must be original material, not previously published or in the public domain. Plagiarism of any kind will result in disqualification. This includes music, graphics and images.
b) No copyrighted materials may be used for this contest unless the contestant owns the copyright or has license to use that material for this contest. Written permission must be provided upon request of all copyrighted materials
c) No professional assistance for creation of this video is permitted
d) Content must comply with all local and national laws of the country of origin and Canada
Content must not:
• Promote illegal behaviour.
• Support racial, religious, sexual or other invidious prejudice.
• Advocate sexual or violent exploitation.
• Violate rights established by law or agreement.
• Invade the privacy of any person.
• Be otherwise inappropriate as determined by the designated member of the
IUFoST Governing Council in their sole and conclusive determination.
Any such determinations are final.
The Student Video Competition will be awarded in three categories:
1. Grand Prize
2. Finalist
3. Semi-Finalist
Prizes for each category will be awarded based on the criteria, judging rubric and rules below. All entrants will be notified privately before a public announcement of the Grand Prize winner, finalist and semi-finalist mentions.
a) There is no entry fee
b) Contestants must be 18 years of age but not more than 30 years old and enrolled in an educational institution
c) Individuals and groups may submit the application together with the video entries. Only one prize will be awarded per video.
Deadline for Submission is March 30, 2019.
d) All contestants must mail a link to their video to by January 15, 2019.
e) Late entries will not be considered.
a) Entries may be submitted to the following email address with the Subject:
b) The email must include a link to a video storage service that has the video (e.g., Drop Box, Google Drive, OneDrive etc.)
c) YouTube videos will not be considered
d) Video Entries:
• More than one video entry may be submitted by contestants, to a maximum of three,
but only one prize will be awarded per contestant, whether an individual or group.
• Video submissions should be produced in English if possible.
• Videos must not exceed five minutes, including a 10-second full screen Title Screen
e) The 10-second full screen Title Screen must include the following in writing:
• Name of contestants
• School name
• Programme name
• Year of graduation
• State
• Contact email (or phone) and address
• Name of the VDO project
• Length of video (including 10-second title screen)
f) Videos must be submitted in one of the following formats:
• .WebM files (Vp8 video codec; Vorbis Audio codec)
• .MPEG4, 3GPP and MOV files - (h264 and mpeg4 video codecs; AAC audio codec)
• .AVI (MJPEG video codec; PCM audio)
• .MPEGPS (MPEG2 video codec; MP2 audio)
• .WMV
• .FLV (Adobe - FLV1 video codec, MP3 audio)
• .MTS
g) Please submit videos with highest quality possible.
This Student Video Competition is being initiated by Walter Spiess a retired Professor and renowned Food Scientist from the University of Hohenheim, Germany in the memory of his late wife Rose Spiess; with the aim of allowing Food Science Students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to promote Food Security and Food Safety in our country and to return to the community the benefits they have received on their way through High-School and University.
Food science and technology plays an important role of ensuring the health and wellbeing of people around the world and is essential to resolving food safety and sustainability challenges now and in the future. How that happens is unique to each country – even to the community level within each country.
The goal of this Student Video Competition in Nigeria is for student teams to use video to spotlight the positive impact of food science and technology in action where they live including, but not limited to, issues such as:
• sustainability and alleviating hunger
• assisting with improved health and wellbeing (improving nutrition)
• reducing food losses and food waste
• providing education and training
• ensuring food safety all along the production chain
• the impact of emerging technologies
• any other application which benefits your community, country or region
A one-page submission explains a short description of the problem, an explanation of the proposed solution and the benefits for the community.
VDO should especially focus on the practical realization of the underlying concept and highlight its novelty and benefits for the community. Furthermore, ideas of an extension of the presented should be indicated.
a) All content in the video must be original material, not previously published or in the public domain. Plagiarism of any kind will result in disqualification. This includes music, graphics and images.
b) No copyrighted materials may be used for this contest unless the contestant owns the copyright or has license to use that material for this contest. Written permission must be provided upon request of all copyrighted materials
c) No professional assistance for creation of this video is permitted
d) Content must comply with all local and national laws of the country of origin and Canada
Content must not:
• Promote illegal behaviour.
• Support racial, religious, sexual or other invidious prejudice.
• Advocate sexual or violent exploitation.
• Violate rights established by law or agreement.
• Invade the privacy of any person.
• Be otherwise inappropriate as determined by the designated member of the
IUFoST Governing Council in their sole and conclusive determination.
Any such determinations are final.
The Student Video Competition will be awarded in three categories:
1. Grand Prize
2. Finalist
3. Semi-Finalist
Prizes for each category will be awarded based on the criteria, judging rubric and rules below. All entrants will be notified privately before a public announcement of the Grand Prize winner, finalist and semi-finalist mentions.
a) There is no entry fee
b) Contestants must be 18 years of age but not more than 30 years old and enrolled in an educational institution
c) Individuals and groups may submit the application together with the video entries. Only one prize will be awarded per video.
Deadline for Submission is March 30, 2019.
d) All contestants must mail a link to their video to by January 15, 2019.
e) Late entries will not be considered.
a) Entries may be submitted to the following email address with the Subject:
b) The email must include a link to a video storage service that has the video (e.g., Drop Box, Google Drive, OneDrive etc.)
c) YouTube videos will not be considered
d) Video Entries:
• More than one video entry may be submitted by contestants, to a maximum of three,
but only one prize will be awarded per contestant, whether an individual or group.
• Video submissions should be produced in English if possible.
• Videos must not exceed five minutes, including a 10-second full screen Title Screen
e) The 10-second full screen Title Screen must include the following in writing:
• Name of contestants
• School name
• Programme name
• Year of graduation
• State
• Contact email (or phone) and address
• Name of the VDO project
• Length of video (including 10-second title screen)
f) Videos must be submitted in one of the following formats:
• .WebM files (Vp8 video codec; Vorbis Audio codec)
• .MPEG4, 3GPP and MOV files - (h264 and mpeg4 video codecs; AAC audio codec)
• .AVI (MJPEG video codec; PCM audio)
• .MPEGPS (MPEG2 video codec; MP2 audio)
• .WMV
• .FLV (Adobe - FLV1 video codec, MP3 audio)
• .MTS
g) Please submit videos with highest quality possible.